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Book Talk

Asian Cinema Research Lab (ACR Lab) Book Talk: Anime’s Knowledge Cultures

Why has anime, a “low-tech” medium from last century, suddenly become the cultural “new cool” in the information age? In Anime’s Knowledge Cultures, Li shifts the center of global geography of knowledge culture from the computer boys in Silicon Valley to the anime fandom in East Asia. Through the lens of anime and its transnational fandom, the book explores the meanings and logics of “geekdom” as one of the most significant sociocultural groups of our time. Drawing from film studies, animation studies, media theories, fan studies, and area studies, the book provides broad cultural and theoretical explanations of anime’s appeal to a new body of tech-savvy knowledge workers and consumers commonly known as geeks, otaku, or zhai. Examining the forms, techniques, and aesthetics of anime, as well as the organization, practices, and sensibilities of its fandom, Anime’s Knowledge Cultures is at once a theorization of anime as a media environment as well as a historical and cultural study of transnational geekdom as a knowledge culture. Li analyzes anime culture beyond the national and subcultural frameworks of Japan or Japanese otaku, instead theorizing anime’s transnational, transmedial network as the epitome of the postindustrial knowledge culture of global geekdom.

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Call for Papers: Launch Symposium of the Association for Curators and Programmers of Asian Cinemas (ACPAC)

Call for Papers: Launch Symposium of the Association for Curators and Programmers of Asian Cinemas (ACPAC)

Rethinking Film Curation in Asian Cinemas
Date: 4-6 September 2025 | Location: Asian Film Archive, Singapore

The Association for Curators and Programmers of Asian Cinemas (ACPAC) is delighted to announce its launch symposium, Rethinking Film Curation in Asian Cinemas. This event is co-hosted with the Asian Film Archive (AFA) in Singapore and sponsored by Newcastle University, UK.

ACPAC was established as part of the research project Decolonising Film Curation: Asian Cinemas as Method, funded by Newcastle University. The Asian Film Archive (AFA), an institution dedicated to promoting Asian cinema and nurturing the development of film programmers, organises screenings, activities, and events to foster a deeper appreciation for Asian cinema. With its commitment to advancing understanding and growth in the field, the AFA supports ACPAC’s efforts and is keen to be the platform for this symposium.

The launch symposium aims to bring together film curators, programmers, other industry professionals, and scholars to address the following key and pressing questions related to the field of film curation in light of technological advancements and shifts in global geopolitics.

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Book Talk

Asian Cinema Research Lab (ACR Lab) Book Talk: “Hong Kong Crime Films”

What were Hong Kong crime films like before they became a local, regional, and eventually global success story? How did colonial film censors influence the development of Hong Kong genre cinema, and the crime film in particular? And how can we think through the relationship between crime films and their social context? In this talk, Kristof Van den Troost will discuss these questions and other topics covered in his recent book, Hong Kong Crime Films: Criminal Realism, Censorship and Society, 1947-1986 (Edinburgh University Press, 2023).

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Netflix and South Korean Media In a Globalizing World conference

Thank you! Your support helped make Netflix and South Korean Media in a Globalizing World Conference a big success. Thank you very much for coming to our conference from South Korea, the US, Canada, Paris, Singapore, and Hong Kong.

The papers delivered at the conference will be compiled and published as part of Brill’s “Youth in a Globalizing World” series. The book is expected to be published in early 2026.

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Call for Papers: ASEACC 2025 Sustainable futures: ecologies, kinships, and communities in Southeast Asian Cinemas

The 12th Biennial Association for Southeast Asian Cinemas Conference will take place at Chiang Mai University, on 14 – 16 August 2025.

The focus of the conference is Sustainable Futures: ecologies, kinships and communities in Southeast Asian Cinemas. This theme will be addressed from a broad range of perspectives in order to encourage critical engagement with current debates in film theory and the environmental humanities, inviting papers that theorize the diverse film and media practices across Southeast Asia including new developments in artists’ moving image, video art, VR, and activist media.

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Call for Papers: What is Asian Cinema?

We invite paper and panel proposals to present at the 14th Asian Cinema Studies Society conference to be held at the University of Hong Kong (HKU) during May 22-24, 2025. As a non-profit scholarly organization, the Asian Cinema Studies Society (ACSS) actively fosters international research in Asian film and media and publishes the flagship peer-reviewed journal Asian Cinema (Intellect). With the support of the Center for the Study of Globalization and Cultures (CSGC), the Master of Arts in Literary and Cultural Studies Programme (MALCS), and the Department of Comparative Literature of HKU, ACSS brings its first face-to-face meeting since the global pandemic back to Hong Kong, a major Asian metropolis, transport hub, filmmaking capital, and connective node of regional, inter-Asian, and transpacific cultural globalization.

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