Thank you everyone for the huge success of the Joint Media Studies Conference between City University of Hong Kong and Seoul National University!
Your support helped make Netflix and South Korean Media in a Globalizing World Conference a big success. Thank you very much for coming to our conference from South Korea, the US, Canada, Paris, Singapore, and Hong Kong. Everything went very well. We had a large crowd, and many expressed keen interest in the subject.
We had wonderful presentations and discussions across four panels, as well as the roundtable discussion. We are very grateful to the participants, attendees, CityU’s technical and administrative staff, student helpers, and co-organizer Professor Seok-Kyeong Hong.
The papers delivered at the conference will be compiled and published as part of Brill’s “Youth in a Globalizing World” series. The book is expected to be published in early 2026.
The papers delivered at the conference will be compiled and published as part of Brill’s “Youth in a Globalizing World” series. The book is expected to be published in early 2026.
Please stay tuned!