Work-In-Progress Seminar
Yeo Min Hui (Nanyang Technological University) received her DPhil degree from the University of Oxford. Her research interests include film and cultural connections between East and Southeast Asia, as well as issues relating to the cultural and geopolitical concept of “Nanyang”. She has co-edited a pictorial biography on the “Queen of Amoy-dialect Cinema”, Chong Sit Fong, entitled Xue Ni Fang Zong Zhuang Xue Fang (雪霓芳踪莊雪芳) (Singapore: Lingzi Media, 2017). Her first monograph, Amoy-dialect Cinema and Dialect Identity Transformations in Singapore and Malaya (1948-1966) (我们的电影,我们的家:厦语电影与新马厦语身份的渐变 (1948-1966年)) (Singapore: Centre for Chinese Studies, Singapore University of Social Sciences, 2020), was published in 2020.