International Film Studies Conference
Date: 20-22 May 2021
Primary Organizers: Sangjoon Lee (NTU) & Darlene Espena (SMU)
Host: NTU, SMU & the ACR Lab [Virtual Conference]
For more information, click here.
This three-day ‘virtual’ academic event will showcase ongoing research dealing with film cultures, international politics, and industries in Asia – East, Southeast, and South – during the height of the Cultural Cold War. The purpose of the conference is to create a space for scholarly exchange across disciplines, bringing together scholars working with the various archives and other sources related to the history and culture of postwar Asian cinema, decolonization, international politics, and US hegemony and cultural diplomacy in the Cold War era. Academic experts from Asia-Pacific, the UK, Europe, and North America will be invited, along with core participants from Singapore. Asian Cinema and the Cultural Cold War will be the first academic conference in Asia to attempt to shed light on this aspect of Asia’s forgotten history. It will reveal an important piece in the broader history of the cultural, political, and institutional linkages between the US, Europe, and Asia during the Cold War. The papers presented at the conference will be edited and compiled into a book.