Park Ji Yun

Graduate Student
Park Ji Yun (she/her) is an interdisciplinary artist exploring the more-than-human 

ecosphere. With a focus on critical plant studies and ecofeminism, she works with 

cinematic art, illustration, and photography to deconstruct species hierarchies and 

reimagine multispecies cultures. Ji Yun’s work invites viewers to contemplate their 

relationship with nature and the complexity of life. 


Her doctoral project (Welcome to) The Planet of Orchids is a cinematic anthology 

based on her artistic practice-based research, weaving art, ethnography, and ecology. 

In this ecocinema piece, orchids are portrayed as Indigenous beings who have thrived 

despite human colonisation. Orchids take centre stage as protagonists, unfolding their 

unique or ordinary narratives from a plant-centred viewpoint. Orchids reveal the 

complex dynamics of the more-than-human community, inviting human audiences to 

the ‘Planet of Orchids’. 


She is now finalising her doctoral research at the School of Creative Media, City 

University of Hong Kong, after her residency at the Zurich University of the Arts as a 

visiting PhD candidate. She obtained her bachelor’s degree from the Korea National 

University of the Arts and her master’s degree from the City University of Hong Kong. 

Website & Social Media

Instagram @jadeparkjiyun

Wanwu Practice Group: